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A warm welcome to you all!

Welcome to the IB School Leadership site. This site contains everything you need to become an IB World School and then to develop your IB programmes through to IB evaluation and beyond. Furthermore, with an emphasis on explicit development of all the approaches to teaching and learning, you can be assured of the pedagogical quality and relevancy of all these resources.

The site is packed with helpful resources to support your leadership. Half of the site focuses on generic aspects of leadership such as forming a vision, writing a mission, developing a strategy, and building leadership capacity. The other half of the site is devoted to leading IB World Schools.

This site is an organic resource that changes, develops and improves regularly. It includes case studies from IB World Schools across the globe – providing you with an opportunity to learn from other schools. Hopefully you will want to contribute your own experiences.

Selected Pages


IB & COVID-19 Microsite 25 March 2022

The IB have put together a new COVID-19 microsite to provide guidance and resources to help students, schools, teachers...


Library 20 March 2022

Where to start and stop recommending particular books is, I guess, a matter of personal choice. On this page I declare that...


Leading in a time of crisis 8 February 2022

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about a dramatic interruption in the way we lead. What does it take to navigate this crisis...


Adult Learning 10 September 2021

The term 'andragogy' means ‘leader of men’, whilst 'pedagogy' means ‘leader of children’.This section provides an...


Teaching & Learning 10 July 2020

This page provides you with an intoduction to distance | e-learning.E-learning refers to remote learning where the student...

About the site 5 November 2022

This page gives a simple guide to help you find your way around the site to access all you need to know about leadership,...

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