Reflective Project Skills

Developing reflective project skills

The reflective project demands students develop a number of complex skills. It can be hard to juggle especially with every student's needs different from the next. Find here accessible lesson ideas to guide independent learning in Ethical, Reflective and Critical Thinking, ResearchWriting and Self assessment skills as well as Planning and process management.

Skills for Option 1 and 2

Being able to apply a great variety of thinking processes and skills is crucial for a reflective project student, irrespective of whether they have chosen Option1 or 2. Asking students to respond in different formats to PPS tasks and in early reflective project preparation, gives them the confidence perhaps to try Option 2 and its additional format rather than automatically choosing Option 1.  Note that even though there are pages devoted to specific skills, all the activities develop a variety of skills; for example the ethical thinking exercises develops critical and reflective thinking just as much. Feel free to adapt the focus of exercises to suit the needs of students.

Ethical Thinking

At the heart of ethical thinking is the ability to consider the dynamics of people, actions and consequences in a balanced way. Developing ethical thinking is a complex process that takes time not just...

Creating a Research Question

Without the right research question, there is a limit to how successfuly the whole reflective project can be. Yes, students will still have the opportunity to employ ethical, critical and reflective thinking...

Reflective Thinking

Reflection is generally seen as an exercise in looking back on what has been done. The part that is missed out is to use this knowledge to shape what can be done in the future. This is how reflection...

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking can sound scary and unattainable for students but it is a lot more accessible than they imagine. Returning to the learner profile to consider the inquirer and communicator can prompt...

Writing skills

Irrespective of which option the student chooses to take, they will have to utilise writing skills for the reflective project. This can be daunting to anticipate; however educators can take advantage...

Research skills

An open-minded and adaptable approach to researchStudents developing research skills early on can help them quickly ascertain whether their intended research question and area will work; there are many...

Planning and process management

The student's planning skills, throughout the reflective project experience, must not to be overlooked. This ensures that the process does not just become about the final piece but is seen as an opportunity...

Self assessment

The stage between between receiving feedback from their supervisor on their only draft and producing the final piece can often lose momentum, especially when there is a long summer holiday in between....

Selected Pages


Planning and process management 7 December 2022

Planning permissionThe student's planning skills, throughout the reflective project experience, must not to be overlooked....


Research skills 7 December 2022

Research for the FutureThe reflective project is perfect opportunity to establish research practices that will prepare the...


Critical Thinking 14 July 2022

How do you help students access critical thinking?Critical thinking can sound scary and unattainable for students but it...


Ethical Thinking 6 July 2022

What is Ethical Thinking?At the heart of ethical thinking is the ability to consider the dynamics of people, actions and...


Reflective Thinking 21 February 2022

Reflection as a ProcessReflection is generally seen as an exercise in looking back on what has been done. The part that...


Writing skills 9 JIB Docs (2) Teamary 2022

The writing process can be difficult Irrespective of which option the student chooses to take, they will have to utilise...

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