Yes, we accept subscriptions from individual teachers and private tutors. The price is the same as for school subscriptions.

Parents and students are not able to subscribe to our subjects sites which are for the exclusive use of teachers and their classes.

Note that when a school subscribes to a site not only teachers but also students at that school will be able to access its contents.

Your school can take out a one month free trial for any subject if it has not had access - either a previous subscription or previous free trial - to that subject in the previous two years.

Note that free trials are only available to IB schools.

Some of our subject sites are not yet complete and are at various stages of development. Such "beta" sites are free.

Subscribers to beta sites will be given a 2 week warning prior to their switching to pay sites.

Beta sites are only available for IB schools.

No. Given the quantity and quality of the material on each site, together with the fact that they are updated every week, we think they offer remarkably good value for money.

If you request an invoice in order to pay by bank transfer, you can find our bank details on the invoice. They comprise our account name, bank name & address, IBAN, and SWIFT. Note that the IBAN is the only thing you need to make a payment. (Account numbers and sort codes are not relevant in Andorra.)

If you request an invoice and do not receive it within 3 working days, check your junk folder and ensure that InThinking is on your “Safe senders” list. Otherwise, contact us.


One you receive an email confirming your subscription, you can contact us by return email and we will send you an after sales invoice.

If you try to pay by credit card and receive the message "Method of payment not available for this card", your payment has not been accepted. In this case, we suggest you try the PayPal option. You do not need to belong to PayPal to use it to pay and can use the same credit card.

If you paid for the site by credit card or PayPal, you should receive the activation code immediately. Please check your junk folder and ensure that InThinking is on your “Safe senders” list. If you paid by bank transfer or cheque, you will only receive the activation code when InThinking has received the money. This can sometimes take more than two weeks.

This may be because: (a) you have made a typing error; (b) you subscribe to two or more subject sites and are using the wrong log-in details (c) your subscription has expired. Otherwise, please contact us.

To change your password, click on My account in the left hand column of the home page.


You can also get to My account by clicking on your name on any page:


In My account, click on the icon to the left of the word Profile:


You can then change your password:





You need to enable cookies on InThinking subject sites to create your user sessions. Click the relevant link to get help enabling cookies under Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or MS Internet Explorer. Alternatively, try using another web browser like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

To invite teachers (or yourself) to create a teacher account, please go to www.thinkib.net and log in using your activation code - {ACTIVATION CODE} - as both username and password. This will take you to your "Account settings" page. Then click "Teacher accounts" in the left hand column and follow the online instructions. Please do not use the activation code as the username for your teacher account.

No. If, for example, your subscription expires on 1 November 2020 and you resubscribe early on 1 September 2020, your resubscription will kick in on 1 November and last a full year until 1 November 2021.

If you subscribe to different subject sites at different times, they will expire at correspondingly different times. To make things administratively easier, you can request that InThinking unify your expiry dates so that they all fall due on the same date. You then need only make a single payment to renew all of your school's subscriptions. 

To unify your expiry dates we average the expiry dates of your different subscriptions. For example, if you have 3 subscriptions and the first expires in 19 days, the second in 57 days, and the third in 146 days, when we unify their expiry dates they will all fall due in 74 days.

Unless you have an individual subscription, your subscription will not move with you when you change schools. 

You will need to ask your new school to subscribe to the site.

Yes, but to do this you must first create an Access Token. For detailed guidance on this, click on the Managebac link in the left hand column of the Student dashboard:


Note that you can access the Student access dashboard from any page by clicking on your name and then clicking the relevant link in the drop-down menu: