Marked IA reports with teacher comments & marks

This page gives the five IA reports A − E on Examples of teacher-marked IA reports together with the teacher's marks and comments so you can compare them with your own assessment.

The marked IA report together with the total mark out of 24 and the grade for Sample A is given below.

The marked IA report together with the total mark out of 24 and the grade for Sample B is given below.

The marked IA report together with the total mark out of 24 and the grade for Sample C is given below.

The marked IA report for Sample D is given below. The breakdown of marks is: Personal engagement 1/2, Exploration 4/6, Analysis 2/6, Evaluation 2/6 and Communication 2/4 giving a total mark of 11/24 which is a Grade 4.

The marked IA report for Sample E is given below. The breakdown of marks is: Personal engagement 2/2, Exploration 5/6, Analysis 5/6, Evaluation 3/6 and Communication 4/4 giving a total mark of 19/24 which is a Grade 6.


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