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Chemistry (New Syllabus)
IB DP Category 2
Stockholm, Sweden, 12 - 14 May 2023
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Chemistry (New Syllabus)
IB DP Category 2
Online (IB Approved), 25 - 27 August 2023
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Antiviral medications 17 August 2022
The effective treatment of viral diseases is fraught with problems. Viruses multiply rapidly so by the time the disease is identified the number of viruses in the body is huge and viruses regularly mutate... more

pH regulation of the stomach17 August 2022
Parts of this sub-topic could be a real problem if you are a Standard Level student - somehow there seems to be a mismatch between the content in the core topics and the content of the core part of the... more

Opiates17 August 2022
Some care needs to be taken with some of the statements made in the subject guide about morphine and its derivatives.In the Nature of Science section for D.3 it states“Data and its subsequent relationships—opium... more

Aspirin & penicillin 17 August 2022
It seems rather strange to me to have a sub-topic covering just aspirin and penicillin as they would appear to have little in common – even the ‘Understandings’ and ‘Applications and skills’... more

Pharmaceutical products & drug action 17 August 2022
Pharmaceutical products are big business. The classic example of where making a profit was placed above ethical consideration is the thalidomide case.Thalidomide was introduced as a sedative in the 1950s.... more

Photovoltaic cells and DSSCs17 August 2022
Organometallic ruthenium compoundsA simple dye-sensitized solar cell is easy and cheap to make (see Practical work below) using a dye such as tea, onion skin or raspberries. Commercial cells are more... more

Nuclear fusion & fission (HL) 17 August 2022
Who sets the trends?Under ‘Applications and skills’ the syllabus asks for a discussion on the different properties of uranium dioxide, UO2, and uranium hexafluoride, UF6, in terms of structure and... more

Electrochemistry, rechargeable batteries & fuel cells17 August 2022
The first crude fuel cells were actually invented as long ago as 1838 by William Grove, a Welshman and independently by Christian Schönbein from Germany.It was the NASA space programme that really developed... more

Environmental impact - global warming17 August 2022
In August 2015 President Obama announced a Clean Power Plan for the US. This introduces, for the first time, national standards to limit carbon pollution from power plants. By the year 2030 the plan aims... more

Solar energy17 August 2022
(Image from Brightstar Eg)This sub-topic seems to have the wrong title! If you look at the ‘Understandings’ and Applications and skills’ you will see that they all refer to energy from biomass.... more