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Chemistry question bank now live18 October 2017

The Chemistry question bank (qBank) is now up and running on this site.Information on how to access it can be found in Using student access. It contains brand new multiple choice type questions and also... more

MC test: Lipids18 October 2017

Use the following 'quiz' to test your knowledge and understanding of this sub-topic. As this relates to a sub-topic on the options you may need access to the IB data booklet.If you get an answer wrong,... more

MC test: Proteins & enzymes17 October 2017

Use the following 'quiz' to test your knowledge and understanding of this sub-topic. As this relates to a sub-topic on the options you may need access to the IB data booklet.If you get an answer wrong,... more

How precious metals were first formed16 October 2017

In the week when the price of the precious metal palladium reached $1000 per ounce it was interesting to see that the problem as to how precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum and palladium were... more

Nucleic acids answers16 October 2017

1. (a) Hydrogen bonding(b) Show two bonds between thymine and adenine and three bonds between cytosine and guanine in the correct positions.(c) A sugar (deoxyribose) and a phosphate group. more

Stereochemistry in biomolecules questions16 October 2017

1. (a) Draw 3-D representations of the two enantiomers of cysteine that show clearly that they are mirror images of each other.(b) Identify, with a reason, which of the two configurations you have drawn... more

Stereochemistry in biomolecules answers 16 October 2017

1. (a)(b) The one on the left is the D- isomer and the one of the right, the L-configuration, is the one that occurs in proteins.(c) Glycine (0), isoleucine (2), threonine (2) more

Biological pigments questions 16 October 2017

1. Cyanidin is an anthocyanin found in berries and other fruits. The diagram below shows the structure of cyanidin in acidic solution and in alkaline solution.(a) Explain why cyanidin is coloured in both... more

Biological pigments answers16 October 2017

1. (a) In both acidic and alkaline solution cyanidin contains extensive conjugation. The delocalised pi electrons absorbs energy in the visible region of the spectrum as they are excited (to an empty... more

Nucleic acids questions 16 October 2017

1. Two strands of nucleotides bond together to form the double helix structure of DNA. This bonding is caused by the pairing of particular nitrogen-containing bases. The diagram shows the two different... more