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Electrochemistry, rechargeable batteries & fuel cells questions22 November 2017

1. A lead-acid battery usually consists of six cells in series producing a total of 12.00 volts. The electrolyte is an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid. One of the electrodes is made of lead and the... more

Environmental impact - global warming answers20 November 2017

1. (a) Water or ozone (or other CFCs)(b) Since 1750 the industrial revolution has taken place and the use of fossil fuels (which produce carbon dioxide when burned) for energy, industry and transport... more

Solar energy answers20 November 2017

(b) Because of their high molar masses they are too involatile for use as diesel fuel.(e) To increase the yield of transester by shifting the position of equilibrium towards the product side. more

Environmental impact - global warming questions 20 November 2017

1. The table below lists the current tropospheric concentration and global warming potential for some common greenhouse gases.1 Current tropospheric concentration in parts per billion. 2. Global warming... more

Solar energy questions20 November 2017

1. A triglyceride can be prepared from the esterification reaction between propane-1,2,3-triol (glycerol) and palmitic acid. The structure of palmitic acid is given in Section 34 of the data booklet. more

MC test: Fossil fuels20 November 2017

Use the following 'quiz' to test your knowledge and understanding of this sub-topic. As this relates to a sub-topic on the options you may need access to the IB data booklet.If you get an answer wrong,... more

Nuclear fusion & nuclear fission answers17 November 2017

(b) t½ = (ln 2) / λ = 0.693 / λ so λ = 0.693 ÷ 23.5 = 0.0295 min-1 N = Noe−λt so N / No = e−(0.0295 x 141) = 0.0156 Percentage remaining = (N / No) x 100 = 1.56%.This can more easily be solved... more

Nuclear fusion & nuclear fission questions17 November 2017

1. Plutonium-239 is used as a fuel in breeder reactions. It can be formed from uranium-238. The process involves reacting uranium with a neutron to produce uranium-239, which then undergoes beta decay... more

MC test: Energy sources13 November 2017

Use the following 'quiz' to test your knowledge and understanding of this sub-topic. As this relates to a sub-topic on the options you may need access to the IB data booklet.If you get an answer wrong,... more

Fossil fuels questions 11 November 2017

1. The following table gives some RON values for some of the individual components that can be found in gasoline (petrol).(a) Explain why the value for methylbenzene is greater than 100. more