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Condensation polymers22 August 2022

It is worth looking at Kevlar in some detail, as one of the statements about Kevlar in the syllabus is a little confusing. Kevlar has been known since 1965. It was discovered by Stephanie Kwolek (1923... more

Creating student accounts Free18 August 2022

Note that you can gain student access from any non-teacher only page (not just the home page) simply by clicking on the arrow by your name and then selecting 'Student access' from the drop-down menu. more

HL Quizzes on option sub-topics17 August 2022

Each 'quiz' contains ten questions on each SL and HL sub-topic in each of the four options. Although the IB does not use multiple choice questions to examine the option material in Paper 3, they can be... more

SL Quizzes on option sub-topics 17 August 2022

Each 'quiz' contains ten questions on each SL sub-topic in each of the four options. Although the IB does not use multiple choice questions to examine the option material in Paper 3, they can be a useful... more

Covalent structures (2)17 August 2022

This is the second part of 4.3 Covalent structures and looks at VSEPR theory to determine the shapes of simple molecules and ions. Since the underlying theory is the same it also includes 5 and 6 electrons... more

Fundamentals of organic chemistry 17 August 2022

‘Fundamentals of organic chemistry' is rather a strange name for this first sub-topic. There are no explanations given as to why organic chemistry is important or why more compounds of carbon are known... more

Drug detection & analysis 17 August 2022

One of the quirks of the current syllabus is that sometimes it is not exactly clear what should be covered when teaching a topic. Much of this sub-topic is self-evident but one problem occurs in the ‘Applications... more

Nuclear medicine 17 August 2022

Technetium-99mAlthough much of this sub-topic deals with cancer treatment, technetium-99m, the most widely used radioisotope in medicine, is only used in diagnostic radiotherapy. It is ideal for this... more

Taxol - a chiral auxiliary case study17 August 2022

Paclitaxel, (which has the trade name of Taxol) is an incredibly complex molecule with no fewer than eleven chiral centres. It is possible to get side-tracked into some very complicated chemistry when... more

Environmental impact of some medications17 August 2022

Supercritical carbon dioxideSolvents are traditionally volatile organic substances which are toxic to all living organisms. They affect the nervous and respiratory systems and many, particularly chlorinated... more