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Communication skills3 September 2018

What exactly constitutes a life skill is quite subjective and is also very dependent upon cultural bias. However almost all lists of life skills include communication. For example, the five cross-cultural... more

6. Chemical kinetics2 September 2018

For each question choose the answer you consider to be the best.1. Which are correct units for the rate of a reaction?A. mol dm-3B. mol dm-3 s-1C. mol s-1D. mol dm-3 s more

6 & 16. Chemical kinetics (1) 2 September 2018

For each question choose the answer you consider to be the best.1. Which are correct units for the rate of a reaction?A. mol dm-3B. mol dm-3 s-1C. mol s-1D. mol dm-3 s more

Reflection2 September 2018

The questions you ask in class and the questions that your students can access from this site can all help them reflect on their learning. Reflection is listed as a sub-heading under the heading of 'Thinking... more

Thinking skills2 September 2018

Perhaps the ability to think is what distinguishes humans from all other forms of animal life. There are different levels of thinking. The IB places thinking skills in order of increasing complexity according... more

Workshops 24 August 2018

The real value of attending an IB workshop is not so much the materials you will receive (this site contains all that and more!) but the face to face interactions you will get with other teachers. You... more

Teacher recommendations 24 August 2018

In addition to teaching IB Diploma Chemistry one of the tasks you will be required to do is to provide information about your students to the universities they apply to. Clearly it depends on where the... more

MC test: Environmental impact - heavy metals23 August 2018

Use the following 'quiz' to test your knowledge and understanding of this sub-topic. As this relates to a sub-topic on the options you may need access to the IB data booklet.If you get an answer wrong,... more

MC test: Condensation polymers18 August 2018

Use the following 'quiz' to test your knowledge and understanding of this sub-topic. As this relates to a sub-topic on the options you may need access to the IB data booklet.If you get an answer wrong,... more

Is my own hand rub still safe to use?8 August 2018

One of the topics covered in Option D: Medicinal chemistry is antibiotic resistance. This occurs when micro-organisms become resistant to antibacterials. There is considerable concern in many parts of... more