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Topics 6 & 1620 November 2018

Most students will have come across the factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction before they start the IB Diploma programme; however they tend to have only a superficial knowledge about the... more

Topics 6 & 16 : Chemical kinetics17 November 2018

You may have already come across the factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction before you started the IB Diploma programme but perhaps only gained a superficial knowledge about the underlying... more

Teaching styles 7 November 2018

I think it is worth reflecting not only on what we teach but how we teach it. When I was at school and when I first started teaching there was much less emphasis on examinations. In fact, I studied many... more

Topics 4 & 14Free6 November 2018

One of the first things I do with a new Diploma class is ask them what Chemistry actually is. It does not seem an unreasonable question to ask since they have chosen to study it for two years. It can... more

Make up a question about the Periodic Table1 November 2018

To mark the150th. anniversary of the Periodic Table (first proposed by Mendeleev in 1869), IUPAC will be hosting an online quiz during 2019 for a global audience of young people. This quiz, which will... more

Assessment28 October 2018

All Extended Essays are marked by an external examiner. All the external examiner sees is the final copy of the Essay together with the completed Reflections on planning and progress form, EE/RPPF. Based... more

Criterion E27 October 2018

1. Reflections on engagement with the process – planning & progress2. Reflections on engagement with the research focus - intellectual initiative and/or creative approach in the ”student voice” more

Criterion D27 October 2018

This criterion focuses on two main strands.1. Structure – as expected & appropriate for the subject2. Layout – required elements to support understandingThe assessment is based upon the extent to... more

Criterion C27 October 2018

This criterion focuses on four main strands (although the IB puts discussion and evaluation together).1. Research – appropriate to research question & relevant2. Analysis – clearly focused & effectively... more

Criterion B27 October 2018

This criterion focuses on two main strands.1. Knowledge and understanding – clear, relevant and coherent2. Terminology and concepts – accurate and consistentThe assessment is based on the extent to... more