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Critical thinking6 December 2022

A few years ago, Tesco’s, a large UK supermarket chain, put out a statement about its Christmas trading called ‘Tesco’s Christmas in numbers’.Part of the statement said:“Tesco will also sell... more

School closures and distance learningFree6 December 2022

With the spread of the Covid-19 virus, schools in more and more countries are having to close temporarily and teachers are engaging their students in distance learning. This page gives you some tips on... more

Unit plans6 December 2022

Unit plans are an integral part of the MYP process and your school may require you to produce them for the Diploma programme. Unit plans are covered in pages 30-32 in Approaches to Teaching and Learning.... more

Approaches to teachingFree6 December 2022

I have always thought that I’ve been very lucky to earn my living by teaching Chemistry (and TOK) to IB students as it is something that I really enjoy doing.By and large IB students are studying because... more

Multiple choice tests for each topicFree24 November 2022

Since Paper 1 consists entirely of multiple choice questions it makes sense to give students plenty of practice at doing these types of questions. This can be particularly helpful if you teach students... more

Concept-based assessment13 November 2022

There is an interesting question on the 2022 November examination paper which is worth exploring particularly as the IB moves toward concept-based learning and assessment which will be embodied in the... more

Why TOK & Chemistry?Free11 November 2022

This is a sensible question to ask. It could be argued that there is enough chemistry on the IB syllabus to occupy 240 hours (150 hours at Standard Level) of teaching without adding anything extra. In... more

Spectroscopic identification of organic compounds (AHL) 7 November 2022

High resolution 1H NMR, which shows splitting patterns, is an extremely powerful analytical tool.Although students are not required to explain splitting patterns it is worth giving them a simple explanation.... more

Spectroscopic identification of organic compounds7 November 2022

Spectroscopy (1H NMR, mass spectrometry and IR) was part of the core/AHL for the IB programme that was examined from 2003 – 2008 but was removed from the core/AHL for the last programme examined from... more

A modern paradigmFree1 November 2022

During this period there are likely to be several competing schools of thought. For example, is matter continuous or is it made up of discrete individual particles. Each school of thought defends its... more