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“The Strangest Man”29 July 2021

Teachers in the Northern Hemisphere are hopefully enjoying a summer vacation and recharging their batteries after a stressful Covid-dominated year. For a relaxing and yet very informal and informative... more

Preparing for the May 2021 results29 June 2021

Next week, on Monday 5th July, the May 2021 IB Diploma results are being released to schools (students will receive their results the next day). As with many other areas of life, education has suffered... more

Thinking through multiple choice questions10 June 2021

Consider a very simple question, What does two plus two make? The obvious correct answer is four. Most people will arrive at four by simple addition using the equation 2 + 2 = 4 but in fact the answer... more

Books for enjoyment 27 May 2021

All of the following are books with some links to chemistry that I have enjoyed reading. They can all be bought through reputable booksellers.Mysteries of the Quantum Universe, T. Damour & M. Burniat,... more

11 & 21. Measurement, data processing & analysis (2) 18 May 2021

1. What is the best way to minimise the random uncertainty when performing an acid-base titration?A. Use a different pipetteB. Use a pH meter rather than an indicator to determine the end point more

11.3 Spectroscopic identification of organic compounds11 May 2021

Written specifically for students to provide help and support for the IB Diploma chemistry programme this page provides full coverage of the syllabus content of Topic 11.3 Spectroscopic identification... more

The dangers of “forever chemicals” to firefighters5 May 2021

The IB covers halogenoalkanes at both SL and HL in Topic 10 Halogenoalkanes & benzene but restricts the coverage to chloro-, bromo-and iodoalkanes. This is because the C−F bond (492 kJ mol−1) is so... more

CaCO3 in egg shells10 April 2021

This practical can be adapted to determine the amount of calcium carbonate in a variety of different substances ranging from eggs shells to the shells of sea creatures, such as crabs, or in natural or... more

Analysis of aspirin tablets10 April 2021

It is an interesting fact that if you buy generic aspirin tablets they are very much cheaper than packets of branded aspirin. The analysis shows that they all usually contain the same amount of aspirin... more

Option A Free10 April 2021

The Chalcolithic Age, an era between the Stone Age and the Bronze Age, involved the use of copper for tools but they were generally only possessed by the higher members of society and, unlike stone and... more