
Disclaimer: InThinking subject sites are neither endorsed by nor connected with the International Baccalaureate Organisation.
IB Approved Workshops
Chemistry (New Syllabus)
IB DP Category 2
Stockholm, Sweden, 12 - 14 May 2023
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Chemistry (New Syllabus)
IB DP Category 2
Online (IB Approved), 25 - 27 August 2023
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Communication24 September 2021
Communication in this context refers to the written presentation of the investigation. This should be reported such that the focus, process and outcomes are all clearly structured and expressed according... more

Culture of Chemistry (1)22 September 2021
The Culture of Chemistry quizzes illustrate some of the Nature of Science aspects of the course. They aim to widen your general knowledge about our subject and give you some genuine examples of how chemistry... more

Nature of Science questions22 September 2021
One of the early proponents of teaching chemistry heuristically was Harold Armstrong who taught at Christ's Hospital School, in the UK in the early 1900s. (See blog on Threat to the heuristic method) more

The Culture of Chemistry22 September 2021
To do full justice to chemistry, it needs to be set in its wider context. We need to give some indication of its relationship to other subjects and activities, and of the various considerations that enter... more

Key terms & concepts22 September 2021
Each sub-topic in the detailed syllabus content given in the IB Guide starts with a statement on how the sub-topic can relate to the Nature of Science. If you look at all these in total then certain themes... more

Key terms & concepts 22 September 2021
Each sub-topic in the detailed syllabus content given in the IB Guide starts with a statement on how the sub-topic can relate to the Nature of Science. If these are considered in total then certain themes... more

How the elements were named22 September 2021
This page is really a book review but it is very relevant to teaching the Nature of Science with particular reference to chemistry. The book, Antimony, Gold, and Jupiter’s Wolf written by Peter Wothers... more

NoS question - Example 2 22 September 2021
This question looks at the changing theories of acids over time. Because it contains Lewis theory which is part of the AHL programme it could be argued that this is a Higher Level only question. However... more

Nature of Science questions 22 September 2021
One of the early proponents of students learning chemistry heuristically was Harold Armstrong who taught at Christ's Hospital School, in the UK in the early 1900s. (See blog on Threat to the heuristic... more

The Culture of Chemistry 22 September 2021
To do full justice to chemistry, it needs to be set in its wider context. We need to have some understanding of its relationship to other subjects and activities, and of the various considerations that... more