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Analysis25 September 2021

Analysis effectively assesses data processing. It concerns the extent to which the report provides evidence that the data selected and recorded have been processed and interpreted in ways that are directly... more

Personal engagement25 September 2021

The first assessment criterion covers ‘Personal engagement’. This concerns the extent to which the student makes the investigation ‘their own’. Personal engagement can be recognised in several... more

'Scaffolding' the investigation25 September 2021

Some schools may find the time to do two investigations and then choose the best one. However the programme only really allows for one ten-hour slot so the majority of students will only do their Individual... more

Internal Assessment25 September 2021

In the past the term 'Internal Assessment' was applied to the whole 40 hours (SL) or 60 hours (HL) practical programme. Now it very specifically only applies to the Individual Scientific Investigation.... more

'Scaffolding' the investigation24 September 2021

Some schools may find the time for you to do two investigations and then choose the best one. However the programme only really allows for one ten-hour slot so the vast majority of students will only... more

Analysis 24 September 2021

Analysis effectively assesses data processing. It concerns the extent to which the report provides evidence that the data selected and recorded have been processed and interpreted in ways that are directly... more

Error & uncertainty24 September 2021

As part of the assessment for the Individual Scientific Investigation you do need to take errors and uncertainties into account. You should know (or be able to estimate) the uncertainty associated with... more

Significant figures 24 September 2021

You may lose marks in your Individual Scientific Investigation (and in your written exams and Extended Essays) through the incorrect use of significant figures. Sometimes it is simply due to carelessness.... more

Evaluation 24 September 2021

Evaluation is the appraisal of the investigation and the results obtained relating to the research question. It should be set in a scientific context.If you really want to understand how evaluation works... more

Genuine examples of marked IA reports 24 September 2021

This page explains in great detail through a webcast how three different genuine IAs (two databased and one hands-on) are marked and moderated. The IAs are supplied so, if you wish, you can mark them... more