
Disclaimer: InThinking subject sites are neither endorsed by nor connected with the International Baccalaureate Organisation.
IB Approved Workshops
Chemistry (New Syllabus)
IB DP Category 2
Stockholm, Sweden, 12 - 14 May 2023
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Chemistry (New Syllabus)
IB DP Category 2
Online (IB Approved), 25 - 27 August 2023
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Reacting masses and volumes questions30 September 2021
This page of questions can be marked as direct student access either for assigning as a test or for students to work on in their own time. If you do not wish to use student access, links to downloadable... more

The mole & Avogadro's constant questions30 September 2021
This page of questions can be marked as direct student access either for assigning as a test or for students to work on in their own time. If you do not wish to use student access, links to downloadable... more

Nature of matter & chemical change questions 30 September 2021
This page of questions can be marked as direct student access either for assigning as a test or for students to work on in their own time. If you do not wish to use student access, links to downloadable... more

Gaining full marks for a databased IA Free25 September 2021
I've made this a free page so that any IB chemistry teacher can access it for educational purposes. The page has two very different functions. You can use it to show your students how to write their IA... more
History of Internal Assessment25 September 2021
This page provides background information for teachers to see how the assessment of practical work by the IB has developed over the past fifty years to reach the current assessment model. Understanding... more

Internal standardization of the IA25 September 2021
IB chemistry teachers standardizing a student's investigation at an IB workshopWhen it actually comes to marking your students’ Individual Scientific Investigations remember that you will need to send... more

Communication25 September 2021
Communication in this context refers to the written presentation of the investigation. This should be reported such that the focus, process and outcomes are all clearly structured and expressed according... more
Evaluation25 September 2021
Evaluation is the appraisal of the investigation and the results obtained relating to the research question. It should be set in a scientific context.For those who really want to understand how evaluation... more

Significant figures 25 September 2021
Students may lose marks in their Individual Scientific Investigation (and in their written exams and Extended Essays) through the incorrect use of significant figures. Sometimes it is simply due to carelessness.... more

Error & uncertainty 25 September 2021
As part of the assessment for the Individual Scientific Investigation students do need to take errors and uncertainties into account. They should know (or be able to estimate) the uncertainty associated... more