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Chemistry (New Syllabus)
IB DP Category 2
Stockholm, Sweden, 12 - 14 May 2023
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Chemistry (New Syllabus)
IB DP Category 2
Online (IB Approved), 25 - 27 August 2023
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Extended Essay 27 October 2021
This section is initially for anyone who might be thinking of doing their Extended Essay in chemistry and then specifically for those who go ahead and choose chemistry as their Extended Essay subject.... more

Assessment27 October 2021
All Extended Essays are marked by an external examiner. All the external examiner sees is the final copy of your Essay together with the completed Reflections on planning and progress form, EE/RPPF. Based... more

Checklist 26 October 2021
Although your supervisor can comment on the final draft of your Extended Essay, they cannot make corrections. This checklist helps to ensure that your EE fully addresses all the requirements of the assessment... more

Correct referencing and bibliography26 October 2021
Why referencing all your sources of information is important, different reference styles and how to write a bibliography are all included in this section. more

Researching 26 October 2021
This section looks at the processes involved in the types of research you will need to undertake. Your supervisor will give you advice on how to go about gathering your research by suggesting resources... more

Researching your Essay26 October 2021
Whether you obtain your own data through practical work or whether you rely on secondary data all Extended Essays require you to put your own work into context through research. This page looks at different... more

Your responsibilities26 October 2021
This page lists all that is expected from you during the research and writing of your Extended Essay. It includes your Research Reflection space, the need to have three mandatory reflection meetings with... more

Aims & objectives26 October 2021
This page looks first at both the official and the unofficial aims of an Extended Essay and discusses how your EE can help you not only gain bonus points in your Diploma but also in your university applications... more

Elements & oxides of the third period 25 October 2021
Topic 3 requires all students to cover some of the physical and chemical properties of the elements in Period 3 (Na-Ar), in particular some of the general trends across periods and down groups. They also... more

Greenhouse gas bulletin and COP2625 October 2021
A useful source of data for both EEs and IAs is the Greenhouse Gas Bulletin which is published annually.The latest publication (which came out today, just one week before the start of COP26 in Glasgow)... more