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Intergalactic-mindedness15 July 2022

Maybe with the advent of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope the IB needs to be less parochial and broaden its horizons by encouraging intergalactic-mindedness rather than just international-mindedness? more

Timing & organisation 13 July 2022

There are obviously several models as to how the Individual Scientific Investigation can be managed. Some teachers may have to cope with perhaps two Higher Level classes and one Standard Level class making... more

Submitting the samples for moderation12 July 2022

Once you have entered your marks out of 24 for all your Diploma chemistry students (both Higher Level and Standard Level) on IBIS you will be notified which students’ work needs to be uploaded electronically... more

FAQs5 June 2022

1. What happens if a student answers questions from more than one of the options on Paper 3?The answer depends on whether they have indicated on the front cover of their answer sheet which option they... more

Marking the papers5 June 2022

When the examination is finished the scripts are sealed and sent off for scanning in the case of Papers 2 and 3 and to be optically read in the case of the Paper 1 multiple choice answer sheet. The digitalized... more

Grade Awarding5 June 2022

The Grade Award Meeting may take place either online or at IBCA in Cardiff shortly after 31 days have elapsed since the last examination paper (Paper 3) was sat. The 31 days provides sufficient time for... more

Chief Examiner's report5 June 2022

After they have finished their marking all examiners write a report on the scripts they have seen. Once the Grade Award Meeting is over the Principal Examiner for each component writes a report based... more

Commenting on the exams5 June 2022

All teachers are actively encouraged to comment on each of the three papers at both SL and HL. This is not an empty exercise as all the comments are considered at the Grade Award Meeting and can actively... more

Some thoughts on the May 2022 IB Chemistry examinations30 May 2022

About a year ago I wrote a blog Thinking through multiple choice questions on the difficulty of writing good multiple choice questions. This is partly due to the fact that because the numbers of words... more

Determining Kc for an esterification reaction4 May 2022

Equilibrium is an important topic in chemistry and one that needs to be understood by students. This particular practical covers equilibrium calculations covered under the AHL sub-topic 17.1 Equilibrium... more