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IB Approved Workshops
Chemistry (New Syllabus)
IB DP Category 2
Stockholm, Sweden, 12 - 14 May 2023
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Chemistry (New Syllabus)
IB DP Category 2
Online (IB Approved), 25 - 27 August 2023
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Periodic trends17 August 2022
1. The graph of first ionization energies against atomic number (see Topics 2 & 12) exemplifies periodicity in classic style. But periodicity is not always so clear cut when other properties of the elements... more

The periodic table 17 August 2022
The wide variety of periodic tables available has been referred to already in the title page on Topics 3 &13. Periodic tables also provide a good example of International-Mindedness in Chemistry as they... more

Electrons in atoms17 August 2022
Hydrogen gas discharge tubeEach element has a unique atomic spectrum which consists of discrete lines and is therefore not continuous. The simplest element, hydrogen has lines in the visible region at... more

Electron configuration17 August 2022
Practically the diagram on the left can be used to determine the order in which orbitals are filled by electrons. It is known either as the Madelung rule or as the Klechkowski rule although in practice... more

The nuclear atom 17 August 2022
Atomic theory is just that - a theory - but it is a very good one! Humans will never be able to see atoms as an atom is smaller than the wavelength of visible light. However scanning tunnelling microscopy... more
Reacting masses and volumes17 August 2022
When solving many problems in physics at IB Diploma level it is usual to ignore friction. In a similar way when solving problems with gases chemists often tend to treat all gases as if they behave like... more

The mole & Avogadro's constant17 August 2022
Although Avogadro’s number is probably the best known number in chemistry, Avogadro himself knew nothing about its value or the concept of the mole. Avogadro, or to give him his full title, Lorenzo... more

Nature of matter & chemical change17 August 2022
One of the examples given for ‘Utilization’ for this sub-topic is 'Atom Economy'. Although atom economy cannot really be examined under this sub-topic is does appear on the main syllabus in the core... more

Deadlines and feedback15 August 2022
When planning your teaching schedule it is worth bearing in mind exactly when certain information on assessment has to be sent to the IB. Your IB co-ordinator will register the candidates in the correct... more

Possible teaching schedule15 August 2022
Now that you know from the syllabus what you need to teach and you have sorted out the essential resources you are in a position to draw up a teaching schedule. There are various things you will need... more