Blog posts

Update: Removal of the Options for May 2021 examination 15 September 2020

UPDATED September 2020 :Many teachers in the Northern Hemisphere have already started or are about to start teaching the second year soon with their IB students either face-to-face or virtually. The IB... more

Delivering distance learning 4 May 2020

In these unprecedented Covid-19 times schools in some countries are beginning to reopen whereas in other parts of the world they remain firmly closed. Different countries have different experiences of... more

IB Updates 27 March 2020

It is important to know and follow the official announcements from the IB about how the current pandemic affects the cancelled examination session in May 2020.This can be found at more

COVID-19 and Student Access 27 February 2020

Student access was set up to enable teachers to set assignments, including questions from qBank on all the topics in the core. AHL and options, and to give students access to selected pages on the site... more

Gamification & IB chemistry crossword 30 JIB Docs (2) Teamary 2020

There are many articles that suggest that students learning is enhanced by playing educational games (for example, Tutor doctor's "How gaming can enhance students learning" and Learning theories' "Gamification... more

Five things everyone should know about science 11 December 2019

Congratulations to Professor Gregg Semenza of John Hopkins University who was one of three people to be awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in Stockholm yesterday.The prize was awarded... more

Sales of Zantac® suspended 29 September 2019

Zantac is one of the most widely used H2 receptor blocker antacidsA few weeks ago I wrote about the dangers of taking PPIs long term, now it is H2 receptor blockers that are coming under the spotlight.... more

The danger of prolonged use of proton pump inhibitors 5 July 2019

Students studying the medicinal chemistry option need to be able to explain the three main ways in which excess stomach acid can be controlled (D.4 pH regulation of the stomach). The first way is straightforward... more

104Ku - an anachronism in a gulag 26 June 2019

I was reading an article recently on Dark Tourism which describes a visit in 2017 to Karlag, a former Soviet gulag near Karaganda in Kazakhstan. I visited this gulag two years earlier in 2015 and the... more

Reducing global warming by increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere 28 May 2019

Option C (sub-topic C.5 Environmental impact – global warming) covers the science behind global warming and relates the concentrations of different greenhouse gases in the atmosphere with their global... more