Blog posts

Is IB chemistry too easy? 4 May 2012

Has IB Chemistry 'dumbed down' over the years? This is a difficult, if not impossible, question to answer as the skills and knowledge that a student taking the programme now are required to master are... more

Nanosponges 16 April 2012

A sponge that can absorb 100 times its own weight in oil. This novel way to clean up oil spillage using carbon nanotubes has recently been reported in Scientific Reports by a team working at Rice University.... more

Origin of the moon 31 March 2012

As well as being a fascinating subject in its own right Chemistry can be used as a tool to solve many problems. One interesting example that has emerged recently is “What is the origin of the moon?” more

The EE viva voce 7 March 2012

It’s Extended Essay marking time again. Although the essays do not actually have to be with the examiner until 15 March many have already arrived. One aspect that is very noticeable is the quality... more

More on the new curriculum 28 February 2012

I last blogged about the proposed curriculum changes in December. Since then more progress has been reported on the Online Curriculum Centre by the review teams. These reports are available to IB teachers... more

A young chemist 12 February 2012

I suppose in our heart of hearts IB Chemistry teachers know that they are unlikely to change the course of science by coming up with a revolutionary paradigm shift. It is not that we are lacking in intelligence... more

Promoting the IB 1 February 2012

As well as teach their subject I guess most, if not all, IBDP chemistry teachers at some time also have to play the role of an IB ambassador. For many this may be counselling pre-IB students and their... more

Poisonous clothes 19 JIB Docs (2) Teamary 2012

One of the purposes of educating our students is to help them to make sense of newspaper articles about ‘Chemistry’. Almost every day there is some scare that involves the use of ‘nasty chemicals’... more

2011 roundup 22 December 2011

Too busy teaching to read all the journals (and my blog!)? You can take the lazy way out and catch up on all the latest developments in Chemistry during the past year by reading the article “Cutting... more

Global skills 15 December 2011

An interesting report has just been published jointly by The British Council and Think Global. It is entitled “The Global Skills Gap: Preparing young people for the new global economy”. The report... more