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parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Getting started">Getting started</a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Resources for IB DP Business Management">Resources for IB DP Business Management</a></li></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Old course (N23)">Old course (N23)</a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1">Unit 1</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.1 Introduction to business management">1.1 Introduction to business management</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.1 Comprehension questions">1.1 Comprehension questions</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Introduction to business management">Glossary: Introduction to business management</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.2 Types of organizations">1.2 Types of organizations</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The private and the public sectors">The private and the public sectors</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.2 Comprehension questions">1.2 Comprehension questions</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right 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class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary - Stakeholders">Glossary - Stakeholders</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.5 External environment">1.5 External environment</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: External environment">Glossary: External environment</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="1.6 Growth and evolution">1.6 Growth and evolution</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="MNCs Quiz">MNCs Quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Growth and evolution">Glossary: Growth and evolution</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.7 Organizational planning tools (HL only)">1.7 Organizational planning tools (HL only)</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Organizational planning tools (HL)">Glossary: Organizational planning tools (HL)</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2">Unit 2</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="2.1 Functions & evolution of HRM">2.1 Functions & evolution of HRM</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary">Glossary</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="2.2 Organizational structure">2.2 Organizational structure</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Organizational structure">Glossary: Organizational structure</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="2.3 Leadership and management">2.3 Leadership and management</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Leadership & Management">Glossary: Leadership & Management</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="2.4 Motivation">2.4 Motivation</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Motivation">Glossary: Motivation</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="2.5 Organizational culture (HL only)">2.5 Organizational culture (HL only)</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Organizational culture">Glossary: Organizational culture</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="2.6 Industrial/employee relations (HL only)">2.6 Industrial/employee relations (HL only)</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Industrial/employee relations">Glossary: Industrial/employee relations</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3">Unit 3</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.1 Sources of finance">3.1 Sources of finance</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Sources of finance">Glossary: Sources of finance</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.2 Costs and revenues">3.2 Costs and revenues</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Costs & revenues">Glossary: Costs & revenues</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.3 Break-even analysis">3.3 Break-even analysis</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Contribution analysis">Contribution analysis</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Break-even analysis">Glossary: Break-even analysis</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.4 Final accounts">3.4 Final accounts</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Final accounts">Glossary: Final accounts</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.5 Profitability and liquidity ratio analysis">3.5 Profitability and liquidity ratio analysis</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Profitability and liquidity ratio analysis">Glossary: Profitability and liquidity ratio analysis</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.6 Efficiency ratio analysis (HL only)">3.6 Efficiency ratio analysis (HL only)</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Efficiency ratios">Glossary: Efficiency ratios</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.7 Cash flow">3.7 Cash flow</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Cash flow forecasts">Cash flow forecasts</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Cash flow">Glossary: Cash flow</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.8 Investment appraisal">3.8 Investment appraisal</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Investment appraisal ">Glossary: Investment appraisal </a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.9 Budgets (HL only)">3.9 Budgets (HL only)</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.9 Budgets (HL Only) Glossary">3.9 Budgets (HL Only) Glossary</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4">Unit 4</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.1 The role of marketing">4.1 The role of marketing</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: The role of marketing">Glossary: The role of marketing</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.2 Marketing planning">4.2 Marketing planning</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Marketing planning">Glossary: Marketing planning</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.3 Sales forecasting (HL only)">4.3 Sales forecasting (HL only)</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Sales forecasting">Glossary: Sales forecasting</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.4 Market research">4.4 Market research</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Market research">Glossary: Market research</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.5 The four Ps">4.5 The four Ps</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="Product">Product</a></li><ul class="level-4 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Product">Glossary: Product</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Price">Price</a></li><ul class="level-4 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Price">Glossary: Price</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Promotion">Promotion</a></li><ul class="level-4 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.5 Promotion - Glossary">4.5 Promotion - Glossary</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Place">Place</a></li><ul class="level-4 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.5 Place - Glossary">4.5 Place - Glossary</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.6 The extended marketing mix (7 Ps) (HL)">4.6 The extended marketing mix (7 Ps) (HL)</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: The extended marketing mix (HL)">Glossary: The extended marketing mix (HL)</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.7 International marketing (HL only)">4.7 International marketing (HL only)</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: International Marketing (HL)">Glossary: International Marketing (HL)</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.8 E-commerce">4.8 E-commerce</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: E-commerce">Glossary: E-commerce</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 5">Unit 5</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="5.1 The role of operations management">5.1 The role of operations management</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary">Glossary</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="5.2 Production methods">5.2 Production methods</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary">Glossary</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="5.3 Lean production & quality management (HL)">5.3 Lean production & quality management (HL)</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Lean Production and quality management">Glossary: Lean Production and quality management</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="5.4 Location">5.4 Location</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary">Glossary</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="5.5 Production planning (HL)">5.5 Production planning (HL)</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Production planning">Glossary: Production planning</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="5.6 Research & development (HL)">5.6 Research & development (HL)</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary: Research & Development">Glossary: Research & Development</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="5.7 Crisis management & contingency planning (HL)">5.7 Crisis management & contingency planning (HL)</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary">Glossary</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="CUEGIS">CUEGIS</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="The 6 CUEGIS concepts">The 6 CUEGIS concepts</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="Ethics">Ethics</a></li><ul class="level-4 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="McDonald&#039;s - Supersize Me">McDonald&#039;s - Supersize Me</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="The CUEGIS essay">The CUEGIS essay</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Planning your CUEGIS essay">Planning your CUEGIS essay</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Paper 2 Section C Questions">Paper 2 Section C Questions</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The IA">The IA</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="HL IA">HL IA</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="35 sample research questions for the HL IA">35 sample research questions for the HL IA</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="HL IA - Student Checklist">HL IA - Student Checklist</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="IA HL Poster">IA HL Poster</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="SL IA">SL IA</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="SL IA - 20 Sample Titles">SL IA - 20 Sample Titles</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="FAQ about the SL IA">FAQ about the SL IA</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Exams">Exams</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Command Terms">Command Terms</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary of key terms">Glossary of key terms</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Flashcards - Revision">Flashcards - Revision</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Flashcards - Revision (Unit 1)">Flashcards - Revision (Unit 1)</a></li><ul class="level-4 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1.1 Revision Flashcards">Unit 1.1 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1.2 Revision Flashcards">Unit 1.2 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1.3 Revision Flashcards">Unit 1.3 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1.4 Revision Flashcards">Unit 1.4 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1.5 Revision Flashcards">Unit 1.5 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1.6 Revision Flashcards">Unit 1.6 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1.7 Revision Flashcards">Unit 1.7 Revision Flashcards</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Flashcards - Revision (Unit 2)">Flashcards - Revision (Unit 2)</a></li><ul class="level-4 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.1 Revision Flashcards">Unit 2.1 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.2 Revision Flashcards">Unit 2.2 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.3 Revision Flashcards">Unit 2.3 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.4 Revision Flashcards">Unit 2.4 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.5 Revision Flashcards">Unit 2.5 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2.6 Revision Flashcards (HL only)">Unit 2.6 Revision Flashcards (HL only)</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Flashcards - Revision (Unit 3)">Flashcards - Revision (Unit 3)</a></li><ul class="level-4 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.1 Revision Flashcards">Unit 3.1 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.2 Revision Flashcards">Unit 3.2 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.3 Revision Flashcards">Unit 3.3 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.4 Revision Flashcards">Unit 3.4 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.5 Revision Flashcards">Unit 3.5 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.6 Revision Flashcards (HL)">Unit 3.6 Revision Flashcards (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.7 Revision Flashcards">Unit 3.7 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.8 Revision Flashcards">Unit 3.8 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3.9 Revision Flashcards">Unit 3.9 Revision Flashcards</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Flashcards - Revision (Unit 4)">Flashcards - Revision (Unit 4)</a></li><ul class="level-4 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.1 Revision Flashcards">Unit 4.1 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.2 Revision Flashcards">Unit 4.2 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.3 Revision Flashcards">Unit 4.3 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.4 Revision Flashcards">Unit 4.4 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.5a Product Revision Flashcards">Unit 4.5a Product Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.5b Price Revision Flashcards">Unit 4.5b Price Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.5c Promotion Revision Flashcards">Unit 4.5c Promotion Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.5d Promotion Revision Flashcards">Unit 4.5d Promotion Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.6 Revision Flashcards (HL)">Unit 4.6 Revision Flashcards (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.7 Revision Flashcards (HL)">Unit 4.7 Revision Flashcards (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4.8 E-commerce Flashcards">Unit 4.8 E-commerce Flashcards</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Flashcards - Revision (Unit 5)">Flashcards - Revision (Unit 5)</a></li><ul class="level-4 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 5.1 Revision Flashcards">Unit 5.1 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 5.2 Revision Flashcards">Unit 5.2 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 5.3 Revision Flashcards (HL)">Unit 5.3 Revision Flashcards (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 5.4 Revision Flashcards">Unit 5.4 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 5.5 Revision Flashcards (HL)">Unit 5.5 Revision Flashcards (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 5.6 Revision Flashcards (HL)">Unit 5.6 Revision Flashcards (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 5.7 Revision Flashcards (HL)">Unit 5.7 Revision Flashcards (HL)</a></li></ul></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Formulae Quiz">Formulae Quiz</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="Paper 1 Pre-release case study">Paper 1 Pre-release case study</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="N22 Case Study (ELE PLC)">N22 Case Study (ELE PLC)</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="M22 (Peacewick Uni)">M22 (Peacewick Uni)</a></li><ul class="level-4 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Additional exam questions (Paper 1)">Additional exam questions (Paper 1)</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="May 2020 (P&S Trawlers)">May 2020 (P&S Trawlers)</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="M23 Paper 1">M23 Paper 1</a></li><ul class="level-4 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 56px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Paper 1 SVT Study Guide (Shirin Karimi)">Paper 1 SVT Study Guide (Shirin Karimi)</a></li></ul></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Exam & Study tips (resources)">Exam & Study tips (resources)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Revision & Exams - Top tips">Revision & Exams - Top tips</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Top Tips for M23 Exams">Top Tips for M23 Exams</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1 - Intro to BM">Unit 1 - Intro to BM</a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.1 What is a business?">1.1 What is a business?</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The nature of business">The nature of business</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Primary, secondary, tertiary, & quaternary sectors">Primary, secondary, tertiary, & quaternary sectors</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Entrepreneurship">Entrepreneurship</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Challenges & opportunities for starting a business">Challenges & opportunities for starting a business</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.1 True or False Quiz">1.1 True or False Quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.1 Revision Flashcards">1.1 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.1 Glossary of key terms">1.1 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.2 Types of business entities">1.2 Types of business entities</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Public & private sectors">Public & private sectors</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Types of for-profit organizations">Types of for-profit organizations</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="For-profit social enterprises">For-profit social enterprises</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Non-profit social enterprises">Non-profit social enterprises</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="True or False quiz">True or False quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.2 Revision Flashcards">1.2 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.2 Glossary of key terms">1.2 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.3 Business objectives">1.3 Business objectives</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Vision and mission statements">Vision and mission statements</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Common business objectives">Common business objectives</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Strategic & tactical objectives">Strategic & tactical objectives</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Corporate social responsibility">Corporate social responsibility</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.3 Revision Flashcards">1.3 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="True or False quiz">True or False quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.3 Glossary of Key terms">1.3 Glossary of Key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.4 Stakeholders">1.4 Stakeholders</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The interests of stakeholders">The interests of stakeholders</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Conflict between stakeholders">Conflict between stakeholders</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1.4 Revision Flashcards">Unit 1.4 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.4 True or False">1.4 True or False</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.4 Glossary of Key terms">1.4 Glossary of Key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.5 Growth and evolution">1.5 Growth and evolution</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Economies & diseconomies of scale">Economies & diseconomies of scale</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Internal and external growth">Internal and external growth</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="External growth methods">External growth methods</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Reasons to grow or stay small">Reasons to grow or stay small</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1.5 Revision Flashcards">Unit 1.5 Revision Flashcards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="True or False quiz">True or False quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.5 Glossary of key terms">1.5 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.6 Multinational companies">1.6 Multinational companies</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The impact of MNCs on host countries (AO3)">The impact of MNCs on host countries (AO3)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Video documentaries - MNCs">Video documentaries - MNCs</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="1.6 Glossary of key terms">1.6 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul></ul><li class="ancestor parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right fa-rotate-90"></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2 - HRM">Unit 2 - HRM</a></li><ul class="level-1 expanded"><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="2.1 Introduction to HRM">2.1 Introduction to HRM</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Role of HRM">Role of HRM</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Factors that influence HR planning">Factors that influence HR planning</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Reasons for resistance to change">Reasons for resistance to change</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="HR strategies for reducing the impact of change & resistance to change">HR strategies for reducing the impact of change & resistance to change</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="2.1 True or False quiz">2.1 True or False quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="2.1 Glossary of key terms">2.1 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="2.2 Organizational structure">2.2 Organizational structure</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Terminology for understanding organizational structures">Terminology for understanding organizational structures</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Types of organization charts">Types of organization charts</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Appropriateness of organizational structures and external factors">Appropriateness of organizational structures and external factors</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Changes in organizational structures (HL)">Changes in organizational structures (HL)</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="2.3 Leadership and management">2.3 Leadership and management</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Scientific & intuitive management (HL)">Scientific & intuitive management (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Management and leadership">Management and leadership</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Leadership styles">Leadership styles</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="2.3 True or False Quiz">2.3 True or False Quiz</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="2.4 Motivation and demotivation">2.4 Motivation and demotivation</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Motivation theories (SL & HL)">Motivation theories (SL & HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Motivation theories (HL)">Motivation theories (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Labour turnover (HL)">Labour turnover (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Types of appraisal (HL)">Types of appraisal (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Methods of recruitment (HL)">Methods of recruitment (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Internal & external recruitment (HL)">Internal & external recruitment (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Types of financial rewards">Types of financial rewards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Types of non-financial rewards">Types of non-financial rewards</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Types of training">Types of training</a></li></ul><li class="ancestor parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right fa-rotate-90"></i><a class="" href="" title="2.5 Organizational (corporate) culture (HL)">2.5 Organizational (corporate) culture (HL)</a></li><ul class="level-2 expanded"><li class="current" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Organizational culture (HL)">Organizational culture (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Types of organizational culture (HL)">Types of organizational culture (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Cultural clashes (HL)">Cultural clashes (HL)</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="2.6 Communication">2.6 Communication</a></li></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 3 - Finance">Unit 3 - Finance</a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.1 Introduction to finance">3.1 Introduction to finance</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.1 Introduction to finance - role of finance">3.1 Introduction to finance - role of finance</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.1 Glossary of key term">3.1 Glossary of key term</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.2 Sources of finance">3.2 Sources of finance</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Internal sources of finance">Internal sources of finance</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="External sources of finance">External sources of finance</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Appropriateness of sources of finance">Appropriateness of sources of finance</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.2 True or False Quiz">3.2 True or False Quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.2 Glossary of key terms">3.2 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.3 Costs and revenues">3.3 Costs and revenues</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Types of costs">Types of costs</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Total revenue & revenue streams">Total revenue & revenue streams</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.3 True or false quiz">3.3 True or false quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.3 Glossary of key terms">3.3 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.4 Final accounts">3.4 Final accounts</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The purpose of accounts to different stakeholders">The purpose of accounts to different stakeholders</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Profit & loss account">Profit & loss account</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Balance sheets">Balance sheets</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Types of intangible assets">Types of intangible assets</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Depreciation (HL)">Depreciation (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.4 True or False Quiz">3.4 True or False Quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.4 Glossary of key terms">3.4 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.5 Profitability & liquidity ratio analysis">3.5 Profitability & liquidity ratio analysis</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Profitability ratios">Profitability ratios</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Liquidity ratios">Liquidity ratios</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.5 True or False Quiz">3.5 True or False Quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.5 Glossary of key terms">3.5 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.6 Efficiency ratio analysis (HL only)">3.6 Efficiency ratio analysis (HL only)</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Efficiency ratios (HL)">Efficiency ratios (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Insolvency versus bankruptcy">Insolvency versus bankruptcy</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.6 True or False Quiz">3.6 True or False Quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.6 Glossary of key terms">3.6 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.7 Cash flow">3.7 Cash flow</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The difference between profit & cash flow">The difference between profit & cash flow</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Working capital">Working capital</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Liquidity position">Liquidity position</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Cash flow forecasts">Cash flow forecasts</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Relationship between investment, profit & cash flow">Relationship between investment, profit & cash flow</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Strategies for dealing with cash flow problems">Strategies for dealing with cash flow problems</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.7 True or False">3.7 True or False</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.7 Glossary of key terms">3.7 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.8 Investment appraisal">3.8 Investment appraisal</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Payback period & Average rate of return">Payback period & Average rate of return</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Net present value (NPV) (HL)">Net present value (NPV) (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.8 True or False Quiz">3.8 True or False Quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.8 Glossary of key terms">3.8 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.9 Budgets (HL)">3.9 Budgets (HL)</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The difference between cost & profit centres">The difference between cost & profit centres</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The roles of cost & profit centres">The roles of cost & profit centres</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Constructing budgets">Constructing budgets</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Variances">Variances</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The importance of budgets & variances">The importance of budgets & variances</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.9 True or False Quiz">3.9 True or False Quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="3.9 Glossary of key terms">3.9 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 4 - Marketing">Unit 4 - Marketing</a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.1 Introduction to marketing">4.1 Introduction to marketing</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Market orientation vs Product orientation">Market orientation vs Product orientation</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Market share">Market share</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Market growth">Market growth</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Importance of market share & market leadership (HL)">Importance of market share & market leadership (HL)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.1 Glossary of key terms">4.1 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.2 Marketing planning">4.2 Marketing planning</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The role of marketing planning">The role of marketing planning</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Segmentation, targeting, and positioning">Segmentation, targeting, and positioning</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Difference between niche & mass market">Difference between niche & mass market</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The importance of having a USP">The importance of having a USP</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="How organizations differentiate themselves">How organizations differentiate themselves</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.2 Vocab Quiz">4.2 Vocab Quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.2 True or False Quiz">4.2 True or False Quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.2 Glossary of key terms">4.2 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.3 Sales forecasting (HL)">4.3 Sales forecasting (HL)</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Benefits & limitations of sales forecasting">Benefits & limitations of sales forecasting</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.3 True or False Quiz">4.3 True or False Quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.3 Glossary of key terms">4.3 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.4 Market research">4.4 Market research</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Why & how organizations carry out market research">Why & how organizations carry out market research</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Methods/techniques of primary market research">Methods/techniques of primary market research</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Methods/techniques of secondary market research">Methods/techniques of secondary market research</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Qualitative & quantitative research">Qualitative & quantitative research</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Methods of sampling">Methods of sampling</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.4 True or False Quiz">4.4 True or False Quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.4 Glossary of key terms">4.4 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.5 The seven Ps of the marketing mix">4.5 The seven Ps of the marketing mix</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.5.1 Product">4.5.1 Product</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The product life cycle">The product life cycle</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Extension strategies">Extension strategies</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Relationship between the PLC, investment, profit & cash flow">Relationship between the PLC, investment, profit & cash flow</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Aspects of branding">Aspects of branding</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The importance of branding">The importance of branding</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Starter/Plenary activity - Anagrams Quiz (Brands)">Starter/Plenary activity - Anagrams Quiz (Brands)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Starter/Plenary activity - What&#039;s in a (brand) name?">Starter/Plenary activity - What&#039;s in a (brand) name?</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.5 Glossary of key terms (Product)">4.5 Glossary of key terms (Product)</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.5.2 Price">4.5.2 Price</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.5 Key Terms (Price)">4.5 Key Terms (Price)</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.5.3 Promotion">4.5.3 Promotion</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Above the line promotion">Above the line promotion</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Below the line promotion">Below the line promotion</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Through the line promotion">Through the line promotion</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Social media marketing">Social media marketing</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.5 Glossary of key terms">4.5 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.5.4 Place">4.5.4 Place</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The importance of different distribution channels">The importance of different distribution channels</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.5 Glossary of key terms">4.5 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.5.5 People">4.5.5 People</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.5.6 Processes">4.5.6 Processes</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.5.7 Physical evidence">4.5.7 Physical evidence</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Appropriate marketing mixes">Appropriate marketing mixes</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.6 International marketing (HL)">4.6 International marketing (HL)</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Opportunities & threats posed by entry into international markets">Opportunities & threats posed by entry into international markets</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.6 True or False Quiz">4.6 True or False Quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="4.6 Glossary of key terms">4.6 Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 5 - Operations Mgt">Unit 5 - Operations Mgt</a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="5.1 Introduction to operations management">5.1 Introduction to operations management</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The role of operations management">The role of operations management</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="5.2 Operations methods">5.2 Operations methods</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Operations methods">Operations methods</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="5.3 Lean production & quality management (HL)">5.3 Lean production & quality management (HL)</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Features of lean production">Features of lean production</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Methods of lean production">Methods of lean production</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Cradle to cradle design & manufacturing">Cradle to cradle design & manufacturing</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Quality control & quality assurance">Quality control & quality assurance</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Methods of managing quality">Methods of managing quality</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The impact of lean production & TQM">The impact of lean production & TQM</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="National & international quality standards">National & international quality standards</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="5.5 Break-even analysis">5.5 Break-even analysis</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Contribution">Contribution</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Aspects of break-even analysis">Aspects of break-even analysis</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Changes in price and costs">Changes in price and costs</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Limitations of break-even analysis">Limitations of break-even analysis</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="5.6 Production planning (HL)">5.6 Production planning (HL)</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The local & global supply chain process">The local & global supply chain process</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The difference between JIT & JIC">The difference between JIT & JIC</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Stock control charts">Stock control charts</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Capacity utilization rate">Capacity utilization rate</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Defect rate">Defect rate</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Productivity">Productivity</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Cost to buy & Cost to make">Cost to buy & Cost to make</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Sinterklaas - Putting CTB vs CTM into practice">Sinterklaas - Putting CTB vs CTM into practice</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="5.7 Crisis management & contingency planning (HL)">5.7 Crisis management & contingency planning (HL)</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Difference between crisis management & contingency planning">Difference between crisis management & contingency planning</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Impact of contingency planning">Impact of contingency planning</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Factors that affect effective crisis management">Factors that affect effective crisis management</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="5.7 True or False Quiz">5.7 True or False Quiz</a></li></ul><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="5.9 Management Information Systems (HL)">5.9 Management Information Systems (HL)</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Data analytics">Data analytics</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Database">Database</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Cybersecurity and cybercrime">Cybersecurity and cybercrime</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Critical infrastructures">Critical infrastructures</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Virtual reality">Virtual reality</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The internet of things">The internet of things</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Artificial intelligence">Artificial intelligence</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Big data">Big data</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Customer loyalty programmes">Customer loyalty programmes</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Digital Taylorism">Digital Taylorism</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Data mining">Data mining</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Benefits, risks, & ethical implications of MIS">Benefits, risks, & ethical implications of MIS</a></li></ul></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="BMT ">BMT </a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="BMT 1 - SWOT analysis">BMT 1 - SWOT analysis</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="BMT 2 - Ansoff matrix">BMT 2 - Ansoff matrix</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="BMT 3 - STEEPLE analysis">BMT 3 - STEEPLE analysis</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="BMT 4 - Boston Consulting Group matrix">BMT 4 - Boston Consulting Group matrix</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="BMT 5 - Business plans">BMT 5 - Business plans</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="BMT 6 - Decision trees">BMT 6 - Decision trees</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="BMT 7 - Descriptive statistics">BMT 7 - Descriptive statistics</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="BMT 8 - Circular Business Models">BMT 8 - Circular Business Models</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="BMT 9 - Gantt chart (HL only)">BMT 9 - Gantt chart (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="BMT 10 - Porter&#039;s generic strategies (HL only)">BMT 10 - Porter&#039;s generic strategies (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="BMT 11 - Hofstede&#039;s cultural dimensions (HL only)">BMT 11 - Hofstede&#039;s cultural dimensions (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="BMT 12 - Force field analysis (HL only)">BMT 12 - Force field analysis (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="BMT 13 - Critical path analysis (HL only)">BMT 13 - Critical path analysis (HL only)</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="BMT 14 - Contribution (HL only) ">BMT 14 - Contribution (HL only) </a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="BMT 15 - Simple linear regression (HL only)">BMT 15 - Simple linear regression (HL only)</a></li></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Concepts">Concepts</a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Creativity">Creativity</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Ethics">Ethics</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Sustainability">Sustainability</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Change">Change</a></li></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="IA  ">IA  </a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Formulating suitable IA questions">Formulating suitable IA questions</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Supporting documents for the IA">Supporting documents for the IA</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Top tips for the IA – Primary research">Top tips for the IA – Primary research</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="50+ Sample IA research questions">50+ Sample IA research questions</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Recommended format for the IA">Recommended format for the IA</a></li></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Exams">Exams</a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Paper 1">Paper 1</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="Paper 2">Paper 2</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="01 - IKEA">01 - IKEA</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Quantitative techniques">Quantitative techniques</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Abbreviations Quiz">Abbreviations Quiz</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Command terms">Command terms</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary of key terms">Glossary of key terms</a></li></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The Core">The Core</a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="CAS & BM">CAS & BM</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The EE">The EE</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The BM Extended Essay">The BM Extended Essay</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="EE Planning form">EE Planning form</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Managing the EE process">Managing the EE process</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Top 10 tips for the BM EE">Top 10 tips for the BM EE</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="70 top BM EE Research Questions">70 top BM EE Research Questions</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Tools, techniques & theories for the EE">Tools, techniques & theories for the EE</a></li><ul class="level-3 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 42px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The triple bottom line">The triple bottom line</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Understanding the assessment criteria">Understanding the assessment criteria</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Reflections and engagement in the EE">Reflections and engagement in the EE</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="The mandatory reflection sessions">The mandatory reflection sessions</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Top 10 Tips for completing the RPPF">Top 10 Tips for completing the RPPF</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Academic Integrity & the EE">Academic Integrity & the EE</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Citation and Referencing">Citation and Referencing</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="EE Checklist">EE Checklist</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="TOK & BM">TOK & BM</a></li></ul><li class=" parent std-toplevel" style="padding-left: 4px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Misc">Misc</a></li><ul class="level-1 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="How well do you know the BM course?">How well do you know the BM course?</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="std-disabled" href="#" title="Distance Learning">Distance Learning</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Financial literacy simulation game">Financial literacy simulation game</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Starter Activities - Business Management Trivia Quizzes">Starter Activities - Business Management Trivia Quizzes</a></li></ul><li class="" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Glossary of key terms - index">Glossary of key terms - index</a></li><li class=" parent" style="padding-left: 14px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Revision - Key terms">Revision - Key terms</a></li><ul class="level-2 "><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 1 Key terms - Business organization & environment">Unit 1 Key terms - Business organization & environment</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 28px"><i class="expander fa fa-caret-right "></i><a class="" href="" title="Unit 2 Key terms - Human Resource Management">Unit 2 Key terms - Human Resource Management</a></li><li class="" style="padding-left: 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        <h1 class="section-title">Organizational culture (HL)</h1>
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                <div class="panel panel-has-footer" style="box-shadow: rgba(17, 0, 51, 0.3) 0px 10px 30px -15px; border-color: rgb(61, 30, 128);"><div class="panel-heading" style="background-color: rgb(61, 30, 128);"><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><a class="expander pull-right" href="#"><span class="fa fa-plus"></span></a></span><div><p><strong><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Organizational culture (AO1)</span></strong></p></div></div><div class="panel-body"><div><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><img alt="" src="/media/ib/businessmanagement/images/negotiations.jpg" style="width: 260px; height: 173px;" /></span></p><p><span style="color:#696969;"><em>&ldquo;To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.&rdquo;</em><br />- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882), American poet</span></p><hr class="hidden" /><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">The term <strong>corporate culture </strong>(or <strong>organizational culture</strong>) refers to an organization&rsquo;s set of core values and beliefs. It shapes the firm&rsquo;s attitudes and norms. The term was coined by T. Deal and A. Kennedy (1982) who referred to the &quot;cultural norm&quot; of an organization as &lsquo;the way things are done around here&rsquo;.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">The success to a business depends on many factors, including its organizational culture. For example, a clear and consistent organizational culture helps to create cohesiveness and purpose. This helps to minimise misunderstandings and miscommunications, thereby reducing the chances of&nbsp;conflict in the workplace.</span></p><hr class="hidden" /><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Organizational culture is influenced by numerous factors, including:</span></p><ul class="branded"><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">The size of the organization &ndash; larger organizations tend to have more formal policies, procedures and bureaucratic processes.</span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Traditions and values of the organization &ndash;&nbsp; for example, a small charity will have a different organizational culture from a large multinational fast-food restaurant chain.</span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Attitudes and traits of senior managers &ndash; for example, organizational culture is shaped by the personalities and traits of senior managers (and hence their <a href="businessmanagement/page/44339/management-and-leadership" title="New syllabus 2022 » Unit 2 - Human resource management » 2.3 Leadership and management » Management and leadership">management and leadership style</a>), such as their approach to risk-taking and risk management. As state by Bill Marklein, an expert in emotional intelligence and reknowned author, <em>&quot;Culture is how employees&#39; hearts and stomachs feel about Monday morning on Sunday night.&quot;</em></span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Societal and cultural norms in the region or country &ndash; for example, some countries (such as in Scandinavia) have greater gender equality so are more receptive to female leadership and female participation in the labour force. Societal norms also shape business ethics and <a href="businessmanagement/page/44171/corporate-social-responsibility" title="New syllabus 2022 » Unit 1 - Introduction to Business Management » 1.3 Business objectives » Corporate social responsibility">corporate social responsibilities</a> of business organizations.</span></p></li></ul><hr class="hidden" /><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Although organizational culture is established over a long period of time, it can be disrupted by radical changes to the firm. For example, a change in the senior leadership team or a takeover of the company can alter the organizational culture in a short period of time.</span></p><div class="box"><h5><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Key term</span></h5><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><strong>Organizational culture</strong> (or <strong>corporate culture</strong>) is the collective term for an institution&rsquo;s values, beliefs, customs, attitudes, and conduct.</span></p></div><div class="yellowBg"><h5><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span class="snippet-fa fa fa-file-text-o fa-lg" style="color: rgb(103, 7, 124);"> </span>&nbsp;Case Study - Corporate culture at Apple under Steve Jobs</span></span></h5><p><img alt="" height="236" src="/media/ib/businessmanagement/images/apple.jpg" width="367" /></p><p><span style="color:#696969;"><em>&quot;Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.&quot;</em><br />- Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011)</span></p><hr class="hidden" /><p>Following his death in 2011, aged just 56, Steve Jobs was acknowledged by political and business leaders across the world as one of the most innovative, influential, and iconic entrepreneurs of modern times, who helped to transform the daily habits of millions of people across the planet. Apple, under the leadership of Steve Jobs, gave the world new products and vocabulary such as mouse, icon, and desktop. Despite his humble beginnings, Steve Jobs has gone down in history for being the visionary who reinvented computing, music, and mobile phones during what he called the &ldquo;post-PC era&rdquo;. Just a couple of months before his death, Apple had become the world&rsquo;s most valuable company.</p><p>Steve Jobs led Apple in a <strong>power-culture</strong> way. Zeus was the first of the Greek gods, and extremely powerful as the god of thunder and lightning. In a power culture, an individual (such as the founder or a figurehead like Zeus), or a small group of senior staff, makes decisions for the organisation. Power and authority are concentrated in the hands of the elite few at the top of the organization, who strive to maintain absolute control over their employees, i.e. leaders tend to be autocratic. Communication is also highly centralized, so procedures and formal rules do not matter so much as decisions are made quickly, without bureaucratic processes to slow things down.</p><p>Organizations with a power culture, such as Apple under the leadership of Steve Jobs, are driven by results, which act as the best indicator of the value each and every employee. Due to centralized decision-making, organizations with a power culture are relatively straightforward to operate, and decisions can be made quickly.</p><p>However, a power culture can have negative effects on staff morale and labour productivity. It can also limit the level of staff loyalty, thus cause higher rates of labour turnover. The professional and personal sacrifices that Jobs made in creating such a culture but one of the world&rsquo;s most admired brands are depicted in two Hollywood movies - Jobs (2013), starring Ashton Kutcher, and Steve Jobs (2015), starring Michael Fassbender.</p><hr class="hidden" /><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span class="snippet-fa fa fa-youtube fa-lg" style="color: rgb(202, 72, 26);"> </span>&nbsp;<strong>Video review</strong></span></p><p>Life was not easy for Jobs, who spent much time at university sleeping on the floor in his friends&rsquo; rooms and collected used Coca-Cola bottles (for just $0.05) for food money. In his infamous commencement speech at Stanford University, California in 2005, Jobs told the students that he would walk 7 miles across town on Sunday nights to get a good meal, once a week from a local Hare Krishna temple. In the end, Jobs never graduated from university because his parents could hardly afford the tuition fees at Reed College, Oregon USA and Jobs had no idea at the time what he wanted to do as a career. Instead, he took the risk of dropping out of university and whilst he described the decision as being daunting, he never looked back.</p><p>Watch Steve Jobs&#39; commencement speech at Stanford University on 12th June 2005, when he urged graduates to pursue their dreams and to see the opportunities in life&#39;s setbacks. The transcript can be read by clicking on the icon below.</p><p><iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" src="" width="640"></iframe></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p>Transcript of the commencement address delivered by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, on June 12, 2005, at Stanford University, California, USA.</p><hr class="hidden" /><p>I am honoured to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I&rsquo;ve ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That&rsquo;s it. No big deal. Just three stories.</p><p><span style="color:#000080;">The first story is about connecting the dots.</span></p><p>I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out?</p><p>It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: &ldquo;We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?&rdquo; They said: &ldquo;Of course.&rdquo; My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college.</p><p>And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents&rsquo; savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn&rsquo;t see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn&rsquo;t interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.</p><p>It wasn&rsquo;t all romantic. I didn&rsquo;t have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends&rsquo; rooms, I returned Coke bottles for the 5&cent; deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example:</p><p>Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn&rsquo;t have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and sans serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can&rsquo;t capture, and I found it fascinating.</p><p>None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But 10 years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it&rsquo;s likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backward 10 years later.</p><p>Again, you can&rsquo;t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.</p><p><span style="color:#000080;">My second story is about love and loss.</span></p><p>I was lucky - I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and I started Apple in my parents&rsquo; garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4,000 employees. We had just released our finest creation - the Macintosh - a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out. And very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.</p><p>I really didn&rsquo;t know what to do for a few months. I felt that I had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down - that I had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me. I met with David Packard and Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for screwing up so badly. I was a very public failure, and I even thought about running away from the valley. But something slowly began to dawn on me - I still loved what I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over.</p><p>I didn&rsquo;t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.</p><p>During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the world&rsquo;s first computer animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, I returned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple&rsquo;s current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together.</p><p>I&rsquo;m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn&rsquo;t been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don&rsquo;t lose faith. I&rsquo;m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You&rsquo;ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven&rsquo;t found it yet, keep looking. Don&rsquo;t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you&rsquo;ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don&rsquo;t settle.</p><p><span style="color:#000080;">My third story is about death.</span></p><p>When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: &ldquo;If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you&rsquo;ll most certainly be right.&rdquo; It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: &ldquo;If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?&rdquo; And whenever the answer has been &ldquo;No&rdquo; for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.</p><p>Remembering that I&rsquo;ll be dead soon is the most important tool I&rsquo;ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.</p><p>About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn&rsquo;t even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor&rsquo;s code for prepare to die. It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you&rsquo;d have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes.</p><p>I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I&rsquo;m fine now.</p><p>This was the closest I&rsquo;ve been to facing death, and I hope it&rsquo;s the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:</p><p>No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don&rsquo;t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life&rsquo;s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.</p><p>Your time is limited, so don&rsquo;t waste it living someone else&rsquo;s life. Don&rsquo;t be trapped by dogma &mdash; which is living with the results of other people&rsquo;s thinking. Don&rsquo;t let the noise of others&rsquo; opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.</p><p>When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: It was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.</p><p>Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: &ldquo;Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.&rdquo; It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.</p><p><strong>Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.</strong></p><p>Thank you all very much.</p></section></div><div class="yellowBg"><h5><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span class="snippet-fa fa fa-linode fa-lg" style="color: rgb(103, 7, 124);"> </span>&nbsp;ATL Activity 1 (Research and Communication skills) - IB World School Culture</span></span></h5><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><img alt="" src="/media/ib/businessmanagement/images/schools.jpg" style="width: 320px; height: 170px;" /></span></p><p><span style="color:#696969;"><em><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Organizational culture applies to all organizations, including IB World Schools</span></em></span></p><hr class="hidden" /><p><strong><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Task 1</span></strong></p><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Define the term <em>organization culture </em>in the context of your own school.</span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Organization culture can be defined as the set of values, attitudes, beliefs, expectations and standards (or norms) of a school. It refers to what is expected of the school as an organization or what is considered to be the norm in the school. For example, the school might expect:</span></span></p><ul class="branded"><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Teachers to be professional in their judgment at all times whilst on duty</span></span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Teachers to participate in extra-curricula activities</span></span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Teachers to engage in continuous professional development (training and development)</span></span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Students to be the best that they can be</span></span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Students to engage with the school&#39;s policies, procedures and practices, including its code of conduct</span></span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Parents to work with the school to safeguard the physical and mental wellbeing of their child(ren).</span></span></p></li></ul></section><hr class="hidden" /><p><strong><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Task 2</span></strong></p><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"></span>Explain the organizational culture of your school using actual examples, data, evidence, and any other relevant information that you can gather.</span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">All IB World Schools will have a similar culture, to some extent, such as their use of a common language. Some examples are shown in the table below - how many of these abbreviations do you know? An example (the easiest one!) has been included for your reference.</span></span></p><table><tbody><tr><td><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"></span>IB</span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">International Baccalaureate</span></span></p></section><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></span></td><td><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">IA</span></span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> <a href="businessmanagement/page/33959/the-ia" title="The IA">Internal Assessment</a></span></span></p></section><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></span></td><td><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">CAS</span></span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> <a href="businessmanagement/page/34902/cas-bm" title="The Core » CAS &amp; BM">Creativity, Activity, Service</a></span></span></p></section><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></span></td><td><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">TOK</span></span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> <a href="businessmanagement/page/25192/tok-bm" title="The Core » TOK &amp; BM">Theory of Knowledge</a></span></span></p></section><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></span></td></tr><tr><td><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">EE</span></span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> <a href="businessmanagement/page/21665/the-ee" title="The Core » The EE">Extended Essay</a></span></span></p></section><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></span></td><td><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">WA</span></span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Written Assignment</span></span></p></section><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></span></td><td><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">WSL</span></span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Workshop Leader</span></span></p></section><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></span></td><td><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">PRC</span></span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Programme Resources Centre</span></span></p></section><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></span></td></tr><tr><td><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">IBIS</span></span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">IB Information System</span></span></p></section><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></span></td><td><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">IOC</span></span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Individual Oral Commentary</span></span></p></section><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></span></td><td><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">(EE) RPPF</span></span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> <a href="businessmanagement/page/37659/top-10-tips-for-completing-the-rppf" title="The Core » The EE » Top 10 Tips for completing the RPPF">Reflections on Planning &amp; Progress Form</a></span></span></p></section><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></span></td><td><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">(TOK) PPD</span></span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> Presentation Planning Document</span></span></p></section><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"> </span></span></td></tr></tbody></table><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">However, each IB World School will have its own unique organizational culture, shaped by factors such as:</span></span></p><ul class="branded"><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">History and traditions</span></span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Dynamics of the senior leadership team</span></span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Codes of conduct, such as school policies and the dress code for teachers and students</span></span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">People (teachers, students and parents)</span></span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Vision, mission and values</span></span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Policies, procedures and practices</span></span></p></li></ul><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Students could explain the culture of their school using the above factors as a framework, applying examples as appropriate. For example, they could consider the dress code for teachers and students, and what this might suggest about the organizational culture of the school.</span></span></p></section></div><div class="yellowBg"><h5><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span class="snippet-fa fa fa-linode fa-lg" style="color: rgb(103, 7, 124);"> </span>&nbsp;ATL Activity 2 (Research and Thinking skills) - Six Components of a Great Corporate Culture</span></span></h5><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Read this <a href="">article</a> from the <em>Harvard Business Review</em> titled &ldquo;Six Components of a Great Corporate Culture&rdquo;, and answer the questions that follow.</span></p><hr class="hidden" /><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Q1.&nbsp; Is there any empirical evidence to suggest that a strong corporate culture creates benefit for the firm?</span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Yes - essentially, this is the focus of the article.</span></span></p></section><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Q2.&nbsp; According to the research, how much can a strong corporate culture raise productivity by?</span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Corporate performance can increase by 20-30%.</span></span></p></section><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Q3.&nbsp; What does a great culture start with (require)?</span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">A great culture starts with a vision or mission statement, requiring the business to reflect on its values and priorities, and the reasons for its existence as an organization. This in turn influences everything that is done within the organization, including all the decisions made by managers and employees. As stated in the article, &quot;<em>a vision statement is a simple but foundational element of culture</em>.&quot;</span></span></p></section><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Q4.&nbsp; What is at the core of an organization&#39;s corporate culture?</span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Its values - what the business believes to be right or wrong, and what it stands for as an organization.</span></span></p></section><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Q5.&nbsp; What is the difference between a <em>vision statement</em> and a <em>values statement</em>?</span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">A <u>vision statement</u> articulates the core purpose of an organization, i.e. why the business exists.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">The <u>values statement</u> of a business are a set of guidelines on the expected or desired behaviours and mindsets of all key stakeholders needed to achieve the organization&#39;s vision.</span></span></p></section><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Q6.&nbsp; What is meant by &quot;Practices&quot;?</span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Putting the vision and values into action. There is no real purpose/gain by stating &quot;People are our greatest asset&quot; or similar values statement if the reality is different, i.e. the practices of the business need to align with the vision and values statements.</span></span></p></section><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Q7.&nbsp; Why are people integral to the culture of an organization?</span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Corporate culture is built on the values and priorities of people (such as the managers, owners and employees of the organization). A strong corporate culture is one in which people share the core values of the business and are willing and able to embrace these core values/beliefs. This is one reason why firms have stringent recruitment, training and promotional policies.</span></span></p></section><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Q8.&nbsp; In terms of labour turnover, how do organizations with &#39;cultural alignment&#39; benefit?</span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Such businesses have around 30% less labour turnover. New staff who are of a cultural fit are also more likely to accept a lower starting salary of around 7%.</span></span></p></section><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Q9.&nbsp; What is meant by &quot;narrative&quot;?</span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Narrative is the articulation of an organization&#39;s unique history or its unique story. Being able to put this into a narrative is a core aspect of creating and reinforcing corporate culture. For example, Coca-Cola spends huge amounts of money to celebrate (promote?) its heritage, including its &quot;World of Coke&quot; museum in Atlanta, USA.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Another example given is stories such as Steve Jobs&rsquo; fascination with calligraphy helped to shape Apple&#39;s aesthetically oriented corporate culture. The narrative can be very powerful when identified, shaped, and retold as a part of the organization&#39;s corporate culture.</span></span></p></section><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Q10.&nbsp; How does &quot;place&quot; shape organizational culture?</span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">In the context of organizational culture, place can refer to geography, architecture, or aesthetic design. An open architecture is more conducive to certain office behaviours, where desired, such as teamwork and collaboration at Pixar and other tech firms in Silicon Valley. Firms also need to be sensitive to the local cultures in different cities/countries, as these may not reinforce but contradict the culture the MNC is trying to create elsewhere. Essentially, place impacts the values and behaviours of people in the workplace.</span></span></p></section><hr class="hidden" /><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Summary: state the six common components of great (strong) corporate cultures according to the <em>Harvard Business Review </em>article.</span></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><div class="row-fluid"><div class="span6 col-left"><div><ul class="branded"><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Vision</span></span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Values</span></span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Practices</span></span></p></li></ul></div></div><div class="span6"><div><ul class="branded"><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">People</span></span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Narrative</span></span></p></li><li><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Place</span></span></p></li></ul></div></div></div></section></div><div class="yellowBg"><h5><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span class="snippet-fa fa fa-linode fa-lg" style="color: rgb(103, 7, 124);"> </span>&nbsp;ATL Activity 3 (Thinking skills) - Lego documentary</span></span></h5><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Watch this 2017 documentary about LEGO&#39;s operations, including aspects of its corporate culture (what the company calls &quot;the LEGO DNA&quot;).</span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">The 43-minutes video features lots of cultural aspects of LEGO, including its &ldquo;Activity based working modules&rdquo; (21 mins) &ndash; find out why staff are not allowed to leave anything on their desks for more than 90 minutes and why they cannot eat at their desks (Lego call this their &quot;No camping&quot; rule)...</span></p><hr class="hidden" /><p><iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" src="" title="YouTube video player" width="640"></iframe></p><section class="tib-hiddenbox"><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">There is no &#39;hot-desking&#39; allowed at LEGO, so not even corporate executives have their own desks - this is part of Lego&#39;s corporate culture to promote collaboration and creative thinking. It reinforces &quot;place&quot; being a core element of a strong organizational culture (see <em>Harvard Business Review</em> activity above).</span></span></p></section></div></div></div></div><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Return to the <a href="businessmanagement/page/44390/25-organizational-corporate-culture-hl" title="New syllabus 2022 » Unit 2 - Human resource management » 2.5 Organizational (corporate) culture (HL)">Unit 2.5 - Organizational culture (HL only)</a> homepage</span><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"></span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Return to <a href="" title="New syllabus 2022 » Unit 2 - Human resource management">Unit 2 - Human Resource Management</a> homepage</span></p><p><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><a href="businessmanagement/"><img alt="" src="/media/ib/businessmanagement/logo-blue-black.png" style="width: 170px; height: 54px;" /></a></span></p><script>document.querySelectorAll('.tib-teacher-only').forEach(e => e.remove());</script>
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