File "main.css"

Path: /IB QUESTIONBANKS/4 Fourth Edition - TOPIC/resources/css/maincss
File size: 23.46 KB
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8

Open Back
/* @import url(,400,500,700); */

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/* Preloader */

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.preloader div {

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	/* Preload the Second Pricing Image */

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/* Typography */

p {

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h6 {

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h1 {

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h2 {

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h3 {

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h4 {

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h5 {

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h6 {

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header .container {

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header .header-text {

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header .typed {

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a {

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a.copyright {
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/* Navigation Bar ( Navbar ) */

nav.navbar {

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nav.navbar .navbar-nav a:not(.btn) {

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nav.navbar-fixed-top .navbar-nav > li > a:not(.btn) {

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/* Buttons */

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.btn.btn-blue {

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/* Blink Cursor */

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/* Sections */

section {

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.section {

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.section-padded {

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.intro-tables {

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.intro-table-first {

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.intro-table-hover {

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.intro-table-hover h4 {

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.intro-table-hover:hover {

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	background-position: 50% 50%;


.intro-table-third {

	background-image: url('../img/table-3.jpg');


.intro-table-hover .expand {

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.intro-table-hover:hover h4 {

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.intro-table-hover .hide-hover {

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	transition: opacity 0.3s ease;


.intro-table-hover:hover .hide-hover {

	opacity: 0;


.intro-tables .intro-table {

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.intro-tables .intro-table .heading {

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.intro-tables .intro-table .small-heading {

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.intro-tables .intro-table .bottom {

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	bottom: 0;


.intro-tables .intro-table .owl-schedule .schedule-row {

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	color: white;

	transition: all 0.3s ease;


.owl-schedule .schedule-row:not(:last-child) {

	border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4);


.owl-testimonials .author {

	margin-top: 50px;


.ripple-effect {

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@-webkit-keyframes ripple-animation {

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@keyframes ripple-animation {

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.services {

	margin: 40px 0;


.service {

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	height: 260px;

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	transition: all 0.3s ease;


.service .icon-holder {

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	transition: all 0.3s ease;


.service .heading {

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	top: 80px;

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.service .icon-holder > img.icon {

	width: 40px;


.service:hover {

	border-color: #00a8ff;


.service:hover .icon-holder {

	top: -30px;


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	top: 20px;


.service .description {

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.service:hover .description {

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.team {

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	padding-bottom: 60px;

	background: white;

	box-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07);


.team .cover .overlay {

	height: 250px;

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	opacity: 0;

	background: rgba(0, 168, 255, 0.9);

	-webkit-transition: opacity 0.45s ease;

	transition: opacity 0.45s ease;


.team:hover .cover .overlay {

	opacity: 1;


.team .avatar {

	position: relative;

	z-index: 2;

	margin-top: -60px;

	border-radius: 50%;


.team .title {

	margin: 50px 0;


/* Pricing */

#pricing {

	background: #00a8ff url('../img/pricing1.jpg') no-repeat center center;

	-webkit-background-size: cover;

	background-size: cover;

	-webkit-transition: background-image 0.6s linear 0.3s;

	transition: background-image 0.6s linear 0.3s;


.owl-pricing img {

	width: 100%;



.pricings {

	margin-top: 100px;

	margin-bottom: 100px;


.pricing {

	position: relative;

	width: 100%;


.pricings .pricing .box-main,

.pricings .pricing .box-second {

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.pricings .pricing .box-main {

	z-index: 10;

	padding-top: 40px;


.pricings .pricing .box-main:not(.active) {

	cursor: pointer;


.pricings .pricing .box-main .info-icon {

	font-size: 14px;

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	right: 20px;

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	opacity: 0;

	color: #fff;

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	transition: opacity 0.3s;


.pricings .pricing .box-main:not(.active) .info-icon {

	opacity: 1;

	-webkit-transition-delay: 0.2s;

	transition-delay: 0.2s;


.pricings .pricing .box-main:not(.active):hover {

	background: #afafaf;


.pricings .pricing {

	background: #00a8ff;

	-webkit-transform: translateX(-99%);

	-ms-transform: translateX(-99%);

	transform: translateX(-99%);


.pricings .pricing .box-second {

	position: absolute;

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	right: 0% !important;

	left: auto;

	opacity: 0;

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.pricings .pricing {

	opacity: 1;

	background: #00a8ff;


.pricings .box-main,

.pricings .pricing .box-second {

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.pricings .pricing .box-main a.btn {

	margin-top: 50px;


.owl-twitter i.icon {

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	color: white;


/* Footer */

footer {

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footer .trial-button {

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/* 	margin-top: 150px; */


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footer .social-footer li a {

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footer .social-footer li:hover a {

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/* Form Control */

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/* Popup */

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.popup-form .dropdown .dropdown-menu li:hover a {

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/* Checkbox */

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.checkbox label:before {

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.btn.btn-submit:focus {

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.btn.btn-submit:hover {

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/* Mobile Nav */

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} {

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.row.title {

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.regular {

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.bold {

	font-weight: bold;


/* Colors */

.white {

	color: white;


.light-white {

	color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);


.white-bg {

	background: white;


.gray-bg {

	background: #f7f7f7;


.blue {

	color: #00a8ff;


.blue-bg {

	background: #00a8ff;


.muted {

	color: #989da0;


.margin-top {

	margin-top: 150px;


@media(max-width:992px) {

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	h5 {

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	h6 {

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/* Media Queries */

@media(max-width:991px) {

	.text-center-mobile {

		text-align: center !important;



@media(max-width: 768px) {

	.pricing {

		margin-bottom: 30px;


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		display: none;


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		transform: translateX(0%);


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@media(max-width: 400px) {

	header .typed-cursor {

		display: none;


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		padding-top: 0;



.button { padding: 10px 0; }

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